Publication Work

This work is from my graphic design position in the publishing industry. I created various covers and layouts for different associations, and during this time, I also became very familiar with the printing process.


These are faux advertisements that I've created for a faux coffee company. I cannot publicly share the ads that I made for my previous company, but I would be able to show them via email, etc., if requested.


My Personal Brand


  • Egyptian Art History

    A website I created to showcase the different eras of Egyptian art, as well as highlight select pieces from each period. This is not only to demonstrate my website-designing capabilities, but also to utilize my art history major.

  • Kepler's Kids

    A website for a faux organization called “Kepler’s Kids” that is an astonomy-themed nonprofit aimed towards teaching underprivileged children.

  • Anila Agha

    For this website, I wanted to shine a light on a specific artist, Anila Agha, and show her numerous lightbox pieces.

Irradiador Project

The following are sketches of a booklet I made around a single typeface: Irradiador. It is entirely in Spanish (as per the typeface’s origins), and I utilized characters from the typeface in the framing of the pages.